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Protect Against Fraudulent Home Improvement


When you think about improving your home you think about making it more beautiful and fixing any problems that occur or can occur. What you don’t think about is fraudulent contractors and other solicitations. These mishaps include con artists who either perform poor work or collect money and are never heard from again.

Here a just a few examples of these types of solicitors. Many door-to-door contractors for overall home improvement are unlicensed, uninsured and unqualified to do any work to your home. Heating, roofing and chimney contractors make false claims that lead to major repairs down the road. Landscapers and cleanup crews can be known to take a deposit and never return. Some are nice enough to show up once or twice but then go MIA. Read about more scams here.

However, not everyone is out to get you but it’s still important that you are always on the lookout. First and most important, never make a decision at your front door, this includes making a deposit right away. A real professional contractor won’t mind waiting for you to take the time to decide what to do. Always ask for identification and company information. Legitimate sellers will have both on hand right away, as well as their license and proof of registration. Read about more steps to take to avoid scams online.